Sitecore Commerce InitializeEnvironment error: 'Failed to get connection for Sitecore'
After installing Sitecore Commerce 8.2.1 using the provided powershell scripts, the initialize environment command failed with the following error:
"Text":"Failed to get connection for Sitecore",
Double checked all environment configs in 'CommerceEngine\wwwroot\data\Environments' to make sure that the sitecore username & password were correct. Check.
Inspected the IIS bindings for the site, and found that https was configured. Check.
Even though there was a binding for https, a certificate was not assigned. For some odd reason, the install-commerce-sites.ps1 script did not generate and attach an SSL certificate to the binding!
The Fix
Manually generated a self-signed certificate and updated the binding. Job done.
Still here?
How do you generate a self-signed certificate you ask...Take your pick ;)