Sitecore OrderCloud Product Bulk Import

While researching and writing a post on Sitecore OrderCloud Product Catalog Management, I couldn't find any documentation on bulk product imports.

I thought I might have missed it in the documentation and reached out to some friends at Sitecore and got a confirmation that indeed there is no bulk import API endpoint for products OOTB. However, they provided some good guidance on existing source code available  that could be used to put together your own bulk importer which I thought I'd share here with others who are looking (shoutout to Oliver and Crhistian 🙌). Note that I'll publish my own source code soon with a unified tool once it's ready. In the meanwhile, the following will guide you in the right direction.

OrderCloud Product Catalog API Reference

Here you'll find all the api endpoints needed to create/update produtcts:

Product Upload Sample

Example source code on how to upload products from a JSON file:

dotnet-middleware/Customer.OrderCloud.Common/Jobs/ProductUpload at dev · ordercloud-api/dotnet-middleware
Starter .NET middleware project for OrderCloud solutions - dotnet-middleware/Customer.OrderCloud.Common/Jobs/ProductUpload at dev · ordercloud-api/dotnet-middleware

Concurrent Request Helper

Example source code on how make concurrent requests to OrderCloud API. Take special note of the number of concurrent threads to use and minium wait time between each task:

ordercloud-dotnet-catalyst/OrderCloud.Catalyst/DataMovement/Throttler at dev · ordercloud-api/ordercloud-dotnet-catalyst
Starter middleware, extensions, and tools to get developers running with OrderCloud faster. - ordercloud-dotnet-catalyst/OrderCloud.Catalyst/DataMovement/Throttler at dev · ordercloud-api/orderclou...

Retry Helper

Example source code on how to implement retries:

ordercloud-dotnet-catalyst/RetryPolicy.cs at dev · ordercloud-api/ordercloud-dotnet-catalyst
Starter middleware, extensions, and tools to get developers running with OrderCloud faster. - ordercloud-dotnet-catalyst/RetryPolicy.cs at dev · ordercloud-api/ordercloud-dotnet-catalyst