All you need to know about Sitecore Experience Commerce 9 - Part 4: Commerce Service API

This is Part 4 of my series on all you need to know about Sitecore Experience Commerce 9. You can read Part 1 on XC9 architecture here, Part 2 on configuration of XC9 here, and Part 3 on customization & plugins here.

In the post, we'll be lookin the Commerce Service API.

Serivce API

Commerce engine exposes functionality through an OData API.

There are three main APIs based on the type of role they perform:

  • CommerceAuthoring API is focused on the business user experience such as merchandising, creating and updating content.

  • CommerceShops API provides functionality for the web storefront.

  • CommerceOps API is geared towards DevOps tasks such as managing environments and policies.

Keeping with the spirit of true extensibility and customization, the Commerce Service API can be extended by creating your own Commands in custom plugins. This allows you to expose custom functionality and processes to external systems (including Sitecore XP).


The Commerce Engine SDK includes a postman collection to interact with the Commerce Engine API. It can be used to test new functionality, OOTB functionality, as well as perform DevOps tasks.

That concludes this series on all you need to know about Sitecore Experience Commerce. All other posts in this series can be found here:

All you need to know about Sitecore Experience Commerce 9 - Part 1: Architecture

All you need to know about Sitecore Experience Commerce 9 - Part 2: Configuration

All you need to know about Sitecore Experience Commerce 9 - Part 3: Customization & Plugins